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I Love Wolf Alice, So Blue Weekend Makes Total Sense

I was introduced to this band one lazy weekend with my Dad channel surfing at our family home in Michigan. We found ourselves on Ovation, I believe, watching reruns of music festivals, when all of a sudden, the opening strums of the solemnly optimistic love song "Lisbon" rang out. Frontwoman Ellie Rowsell started singing her opening bars, "You're gonna look at me twice, it's eventual/You're there when you're not cause I'm smoking your menthols/Smoking your menthols." Then the group got louder. Joel Amey's kit cycled ferociously through eighth- and sixteenth-note patterns and Ellie wailed behind her microphone in the echo of sound which would define the shoegaze I was now hearing for the first time. I later learned that their guitarist Joff Oddie had ripped his fingers during the act, and I had no idea. I was too excited for what I was hearing, exclaiming to my dad, "This sounds like a real rock band!" I hope to not come across as sn

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